Goal 2

Zero Hunger


End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Goal 2

Staff involved in research related to the goal

Picture of Christiaan Petrus Richter Christiaan Petrus Richter Professor cpr [at] hi.is https://iris.rais.is/en/persons/ed2da258-b393-499b-be02-fddfd83795bd Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science
Picture of Egill Skúlason Egill Skúlason Professor 5254684 egillsk [at] hi.is https://iris.rais.is/en/persons/7f91e5a3-9541-449b-af1f-8cb28986be90 Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science
Picture of María J. Gunnarsdóttir María J. Gunnarsdóttir Research Specialist 5254736 mariag [at] hi.is https://iris.rais.is/en/persons/4a497c89-2274-45bd-941f-1495768ed185 Verkfræðistofnun
Picture of Sigurður Brynjólfsson Sigurður Brynjólfsson Professor 5254641 sb [at] hi.is Yes https://iris.rais.is/en/persons/024ad707-b4eb-4695-8051-be73955b18e3 Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science