Seismic risk in Iceland


Seismic risk in Iceland

About the research

The project proposes advanced scientific research in earthquake engineering in Iceland. It is dividedin three main work packages. Surface geology in Iceland is unique due to its volcanic environment and frequent glacial outburst floods with rapid sediment built up. At many places sediments are sandwiched between lava layers. WP1 will be pursued through evaluation of site response at 10 selected test sites, both soil sites andlayered sites of lava and sediments. In WP2 physics-based 3D simulation of ground motion will be performed to generate ground motion field for selected earthquake scenarios. Numerical models will be calibrated and verified using strong motion data recorded during two Mw6.5 earthquakes in June 2000 and Mw6.3 earthquake in May 2008 in South Iceland. Very detailed dwelling-by-dwelling loss data after the 2000 and 2008 earthquakes exists. In WP3 simulated ground motion field based on WP1 and WP2 will be used to investigate ground motion parameters that are most suitable for vulnerability models. Vulnerability of non-structural elements and building contents will also be addressed. Experimental tests will be used for validation of numerical models. Apart from scientific publications and academic diplomas, the project will establish an open web page with geotechnical data, software and simulated time series for practicing engineers and researchers. The project thus aims to bridge the gap between scientific research and engineering practice.

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Participants at the University of Iceland

Picture of Bjarni Bessason Bjarni Bessason
  • Professor
5254655 bb [at] earthquake engineering;;structural engineering;;seismic base isolation;;geotechnical earthquake engineering Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Picture of Rajesh Rupakhety Rajesh Rupakhety
  • Professor
5254129 rajesh [at] structural mechanics;;waves and vibrations;;earthquake source modelling;;ground motion characterization and prediction;;earthquake response of structures;;seismic hazard;;seismic risk assessment;;seismic design Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Picture of Sigurður Erlingsson Sigurður Erlingsson
  • Professor
5254654 sigger [at] highway engineering;;soil mechanics;;rock mechanics;;soil and rock dynamics;;transport engineering;;civil engineering Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Picture of Símon Ólafsson Símon Ólafsson
  • Director
5254127 simon [at] engineering seismology;;earthquake engineering;;earthquake risk analysis;;strong motion monitoring;;dynamics of structures;;signal processing Earthquake Engineering Research Centre