Machinery for attaching and detaching hooks from fishingline


Machinery for attaching and detaching hooks from fishingline

About the research

Hooks in longliners are commonly stored on racks. The hooks are connected to a branch line which is connected to the fishingline. Some longliners use fishinglines with swivels in order to prevent the hooks and the branch lines to wrap around the fishingline. The main drawback is that inspection and maintenance of hooks can only be carried out during a brief moment while the fishingline is hauled into the ship. The idea behind this project is to remove the hooks and branch lines from the fishing line and store on racks. The main advantage is that the inspection and maintenance can then be carried out whenever time is available – because the racks with the hooks can easily be moved around. The main goal is to finish the design, construction, programming and testing of machinery which consists of two units which will be called the Hooker and the Stripper. The Hooker attaches each hook to the fishing line when it is put into the sea and the Stripper strips the hooks

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Picture of Rúnar Unnþórsson Rúnar Unnþórsson Professor 5254954 runson [at] Yes Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science